CAOHC Certifications and Recertifications
CAOHC Certifications

Well-Trained and Certified CAOHC Conservationists are At the Heart of Hearing Conservation

To fulfill our mission of hearing conservation for America’s workforce, Workplace Integra offers CAOHC Conservationists certification and recertification courses.

Our certification courses are designed to equip professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to become certified CAOHC Conservationists, ensuring they can effectively protect the hearing health of workers across various industries.

 Benefits of Certification: 

  • Expert Training: Our courses are led by experienced Doctors of Audiology (AuDs) who provide comprehensive training in hearing conservation practices.

    Professional Recognition: Becoming a certified CAOHC Conservationist enhances your professional credentials and demonstrates your commitment to hearing conservation.

    Compliance: Certification ensures compliance with industry standards and regulatory requirements, safeguarding both employee health and organizational integrity.

How to Get Certified:

We offer flexible options for certification to accommodate the needs of different organizations:

1. Private In-House Training: Our AuDs provide private, on-site training sessions tailored to your organization's needs. This allows companies to certify (and re-certify) all their staff at once, minimizing travel disruptions and costs.

2. Public In Person Classes: For companies with smaller staffs, we offer public classes where individuals can train alongside other CAOHC professionals.

3. Virtual Classses: Convenient schedules that allow you to set aside time for class in the mornings and be able to be in your place of work part of the day.

Join us at one of our CAOHC certification classes and let us empower your employees to provide early detection of hearing loss, ensuring a safer and healthier workplace for all.

Learn More:

Explore our certification and recertification options to equip your conservationists with the skills they need to protect the hearing health of your workforce.

Ready to get started? Contact us today to schedule your certification training and take the first step towards becoming a certified CAOHC Conservationist.

All Workplace Integra courses are approved (and instructors are certified) by the Council for Accreditation in Occupational Hearing Conservation (CAOHC).

Council for Accreditation in Occupational Hearing Conservation