On-Site Mobile Audiometric Testing Near Me
On-Site Mobile Audiometric Testing Near You

CAOHC Certified Mobile Hearing Testing Services

Take advantage of our convenient on-site mobile hearing testing services near you to ensure a seamless production flow and minimal disruption to operations.

Our flexible mobile hearing testing solution, tailored to perfectly align with your schedule and work shifts, brings OSHA-required audiometric exams right to your facility.

Our team of dedicated professionals includes CAOHC Certified Occupational Hearing Conservationists who conduct the mobile audiometric testing under the expert guidance of our full-time, certified, and licensed Occupational Audiologists.

This comprehensive approach guarantees that your employees' hearing health is in safe and qualified hands.

Workplace INTEGRA is one of the premiere mobile hearing testing companies that provides on site hearing tests in addition to other hearing conservation services.

What to Expect with our Mobile Hearing Testing


To maintain compliance with OSHA regulations and protect employee hearing health, conducting regular annual monitoring of hearing levels is mandatory when workplace noise reaches or exceeds the action level of 85 decibels (dBA) as an 8-hour time-weighted average.

This systematic approach ensures organizations meet regulatory requirements while enabling early detection of potential hearing deterioration. By adhering to OSHA standards for hearing conservation programs triggered at this action level, employers can implement appropriate protective measures before significant hearing impairment occurs.

Prioritizing these compliance measures not only safeguards employees' auditory health but also protects organizations from potential regulatory penalties and liability concerns associated with workplace hearing loss.


Before the commencement of the hearing test, our CAOHC Certified Technicians meticulously gather a detailed hearing health history from each employee, aiming to identify any potential factors that could contribute to hearing loss.

Following this, the hearing assessments take place in serene testing booths utilizing state-of-the-art microprocessor audiometers and headset transducers that adhere fully to OSHA standards.

As per OSHA guidelines, ambient noise levels are consistently monitored throughout the examination process, ensuring that testing is promptly paused should noise levels exceed the specified limits. This meticulous approach guarantees a thorough and precise evaluation of each individual's hearing health.


After each hearing test, the employee receives an Employee Notification Report that provides a comprehensive overview of their results.

Our certified technician meticulously reviews this report, examines any threshold shifts indicating potential hearing loss, and discusses these findings with the employee.

The final determination of Standard Threshold Shifts (STS) and any recordable cases under the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations is made after thorough audiogram reviews conducted by a Workplace Integra Doctor of Audiology.

Reviewed results are posted to your Client Portal within 48 working hours of the test.


We ensure timely delivery of all OSHA-compliant test results, such as Standard Threshold Shifts (STS), potential recordables, thorough audiologist assessments, and comprehensive employee test summaries, to our clients. This is achieved within a swift 48-hour timeframe through our secure online client portal.

Additionally, our client portal houses a wealth of OSHA documentation pertaining to audiometric equipment and testing environments. This includes detailed calibration reports and precise background noise level records, ensuring meticulous compliance and thoroughness in all aspects of occupational health and safety.

Additional Service Options Available to Supplement Testing

  • Employee Education

Employee Education

Make sure your employees grasp how to safeguard their hearing and meet OSHA's yearly training mandate with our on-site employee education service.

Our OSHA-compliant hearing conservation education video will be shown to all employees, and their acknowledgment of the training will be documented on the employee notice.

Employee Education

Sound and Dosimetry Surveys

Did you know OSHA recommends industrial companies complete a Sound and Dosimetry Study every two years or after any modifications to a work center?

If the noise levels exceed OSHA limits, then an organization is required to implement a hearing conservation program.

To make this determination, Workplace Integra’s Occupational Audiologist can provide an extensive report documenting facility sound level measurements, analysis and recommended actions for OSHA compliance.

Sound and Dosimetry icon

Hearing Protection Device Fit Training

Do your employees know how to properly insert and remove their hearing protection devices?

Help form an employee/ company partnership to prevent hearing loss with this essential instruction.

Workplace Integra’s on-site team will demonstrate the proper insertion and removal techniques to each employee.


Please see our Fit Tesiting Device for in-ear hearing protection:  INTEGRAfit

Hearing Protection Fit Training Icon

Fit Training for Hearing Protection Devices

Do your employees know how to properly insert and remove their hearing protection devices?

Help from an employee/company partnership to prevent hearing loss with this essential instruction.

Workplace Integra's on-site team will demonstrate the proper insertion and removal techniques to each employee.

Please see our fit-testing device for in-ear hearing protection:

Open Room Testing

Are mobile testing units not right for your facility?

Do you prefer to have your employees tested in an existing low-noise environment in the facility?

Workplace Integra can provide in-facility testing utilizing all the same equipment, technology, procedures and services as our mobile unit testing service.

Open Room Testing Icon
  • Employee Education

    Make sure your employees grasp how to safeguard their hearing and meet OSHA's yearly training mandate with our on-site employee education service.

    Our OSHA-compliant hearing conservation education video will be shown to all employees, and their acknowledgment of the training will be documented on the employee notice.

    Employee Education
  • Did you know OSHA recommends industrial companies complete a Sound and Dosimetry Study every two years or after any modifications to a work center?

    If the noise levels exceed OSHA limits, then an organization is required to implement a hearing conservation program.

    To make this determination, Workplace Integra’s Occupational Audiologist can provide an extensive report documenting facility sound level measurements, analysis and recommended actions for OSHA compliance.

    Sound and Dosimetry icon
  • Do your employees know how to properly insert and remove their hearing protection devices?

    Help form an employee/ company partnership to prevent hearing loss with this essential instruction.

    Workplace Integra’s on-site team will demonstrate the proper insertion and removal techniques to each employee.


    Please see our Fit Tesiting Device for in-ear hearing protection:  INTEGRAfit

    Hearing Protection Fit Training Icon
  • Do your employees know how to properly insert and remove their hearing protection devices?

    Help from an employee/company partnership to prevent hearing loss with this essential instruction.

    Workplace Integra's on-site team will demonstrate the proper insertion and removal techniques to each employee.

    Please see our fit-testing device for in-ear hearing protection:

  • Are mobile testing units not right for your facility?

    Do you prefer to have your employees tested in an existing low-noise environment in the facility?

    Workplace Integra can provide in-facility testing utilizing all the same equipment, technology, procedures and services as our mobile unit testing service.

    Open Room Testing Icon
 onsite audiometric National Testing Services

Nationwide Onsite Audiometric Testing Services

On-site mobile testing available in the indicated areas; Open room testing (also performed at your facility) is available nationwide.

Let's Talk About Your Hearing Conservation Program

mobile onsite hearing Conservation Program
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